Teens find Connection, Support and Service Hours while Distanced

Teens find Connection, Support and Service Hours while Distanced

“It was clear from the early days of shutdown that teens would be deeply impacted by their new reality,” said Celeste Albert. “While our in-person meetings were cancelled and a majority of programming concluded for the school year, I knew that there would be this audience of teens seeking connection and community.”

IN THE NEWS! Teens work together (virtually) through challenging times

IN THE NEWS! Teens work together (virtually) through challenging times

On March 13, as schools started to close and after-school programs were being cancelled, Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JFCS) of Greater Mercer County implemented a multifaceted plan to make sure all of its constituents, including teens, would continue receiving services and participating in programs. 

JFCS Reflects on Year of Service, Before and During a Pandemic

JFCS Reflects on Year of Service, Before and During a Pandemic

Every June, JFCS proudly welcomes community members, partners, donors, volunteers, Board and staff to our Annual Meeting. While we cannot gather in person this year, the agency has much to share with our community and we are proud to have put together our “Year in Review” video that tells the story of our past year.